Making music for performances
Figure skating, roller skating, gymnastics, cheerleading, and other sports.
Quickly, efficiently, in accordance with the requirements of the ISU, evsk and other regulations in the field of competitive activities. Coach-teacher experience (figure skating)
To make music
You will need:
Know the category (for Germany, Austria and other countries, except Russia, the category) for which the athlete performs, and if the program is not competitive, then the desired duration of the composition
Wishes: Yours, coach’s, choreographer’s
If there is, then a link to the video of previous performances of the athlete
The name of the organization that the athlete stands for (for creating the cover and stitching in the metafile)
Cost by agreement, depending on the complexity.
Payment to the company’s Bank account. There Is A Pay Pal
Examples of works:
Cinderella music, with a cool transition in the second part of the composition
Music for an athlete from Ryazan, DS Olympic, figure skating
Musik für Sportler aus Heilbronn, Rollkunstlauf. Deutschland
Music for athletes from Rostov-on-don, figure skating
Composition for my sportswoman from Rostov-on-don, figure skating
Composition for an athlete from Rostov-on-don, who is engaged in my work, figure skating
Music young skater download
Composition for my sportswoman from Rostov-on-don, figure skating, 3 youth category
Eastern music for figure skating
Музыка для фигурного катания, Ростов, Хатико, 3 юношеский разряд
Музыка для спортсменки из Ростова-на-Дону, Рок, Чечерина, фигурное катание
Композиция для спортсменки из Нового Уренгоя, 3 спортивный разряд, спортклуб Контакт. Thème français
Музыка для выступления по 1 юношескому разряду, Свердловская обл, Верхняя Салда, ВСМПО АВИСМА
Музыка для выступления по 3 юношескому разряду, Ростов-на-Дону, ДЮСШ
Deutschland Oberstdorf Kurzprogramm Advanced Novice. Eiskunstlauf
Deutschland Oberstdorf Kür Advanced Novice. Eiskunstlauf
If you have any questions about choosing, arranging and ordering music, please contact me on Whatsapp
mobile phone: +7 (952) 606-37-37 (WhatsApp) Full list in the section